Sunday, November 7, 2010

bits of fur and bits of fleece

[our little kitty in the Joshe's halloween candy]

Thank you God for the little beasties~  

How else do you describe the bit of fluff that rubs against your leg in the morning?   Precious gifts of God's tenderness and sense of humor?  Little love-shmirpets (my word for the kitty) brings such fun & joy to life. Even though she is mentally unstable (the vet said "all cats are a bit crazy")~ she works like family glue.  Everyone loves the kitty, we can't help it.    

Do you have a little love bug that lights up your life too?

[Luis made this one a little homemade collar]

Thank you God for little furry faces that bring *silly* to our lives~  
(we all need more of that)

 [Farmer's little Iris, and Ace...both giving the *looks* that can control a person's heart.] 

And of course the sheeps...

Thank you God for putting your hand on the sheep, the lambs, and those that love them.  
I know how much you love them~

If you look closely you can see who else loves the sheep.  They have bird-mohawks this morning~

Thank you God for giving these herding dogs a love for the sheep and smarts to know how to do their work.  They are such a valuable part of this life.  

With your thoughtful gifts of fur and fleece, God, you also offer responsibility. All of these creatures need tending.  And you share this fluffy mess with those whose hearts can feel your love and can give that love.  This can be a rare trait in this "all about me" world.

I have seen your love shine in this place of alfalfa, fur, and puppy slobber.  Thank you for sharing your burden of love with us (your sheep) and overflowing our lives with your abundant heart.   There is no better way to live.

You are so good to us~

In your precious name of Jesus~ our adoring Shepherd-King,
Yes and Amen,
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