Saturday, February 13, 2010

Just thinking about the fun/craziness/love of Valentine's day.  

Taking time to document time spent late at night with two youngest sons. 

It is Valentine's weekend.  A holiday that is so lovely to have land on a Sunday. I am so grateful for this weekend of sweet things... 

I am undone over the love that I have in my heart ~ a love that is foreign to my body, mind, and spirit.  Patience, peace, joy, hope...and intense love...and to know that it was given to me by God.  I didn't make it or create it?  No.  God loved me first, graced me with His love, the Creator of love poured it out ~ and it can't run out and it can't run dry.  What kind of love is that? Definitely not of this world!

He is forever & always the giver of good things and it is so His pleasure to fill us up with love.  

I hope you find a moment of stillness today, to experience the love God has for you. 
Remember, you are precious/beautiful/whole/loved...
 In His amazing kind of love, 
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