Friday, July 31, 2015

the next...

It has been a wild summer! 

Our wonderfully successful *Summer Faire* workshop is in full bloom.  We have so many artists creatively engaged in all new projects, painting the most beautiful art and having a great time. too!  

I get so excited about my art when we all paint together -- I love being caught up in all of your creativeness.  It is pure joy.  Painting alongside you, my friend, is my favorite part of living a creative life - it's true!  

My sweet little cottage (our stonehouse) in the mulberry trees sold last week and we only had a week to close.  We frantically worked to get it ready for the new owners while tearfully saying goodbye to a decade of adventures+healing+hopefilled+moments+memories.  

I am still so caught up in that bittersweet place of holding on to it all -- while knowing it is time to move on.  Ouch, right?  

The huge key I am holding (above) fit our old front door.  So precious.

Now the new adventures begin.  

I have a few things coming up soon that I want you to know about.  I will be in Italy in September (next year) and I want to make sure you are invited!  I have two trips will want to look through both.  They are each uniquely created, divinely prepared, and filled with so much love!

If you haven't been to is your turn!

Being invited as a guest artist on these trips is a dream come true, but having you come with me would be *the best ever* collision of heaven & earth I can imagine.  

Beautiful Lake Como
September 10-17, 2016

I took this trip last year.  

It was much more than I ever hoped it would be.  Italy is a gift of heart.  It has a richness and depth of places, times, peoples, and the most beautiful warm light that makes everything look like it is right out of a fairytale!  It settles on your heart and stays with you forever (like spending a moment in heaven - I am serious).  I honestly stood on the shores of Lake Como and joyfully cried, it is that beautiful.  

The landscapes, art, people, and daily interactions -- lavish you with color, depth, and overwhelming gratitude for those that came before us.  What a wild treasure of history to experience.  It is breathtaking. 

For all the details on our Art & Faith Creative Retreat - please visit Laura's site.  She has such a heart for women and she loves to share all she finds.  It is a trip of the heart for sure!  She has every question answered and would love to hear from you, too.

Laura has a wonderful payment plan (that I used last year) and is so helpful with travel tips, too!

I have a very special collection of Wild Faith projects I have saved just for this will love the adventure in Faith & Art that we have planned.  Yes! 

Beautiful Orvieto...
September 18-24, 2016

My other wildly fun week in Italy will be spent in Orvieto with Kristin Steiner.  I fell in love with this place through photography.  I was sold on the beauty...the heart of this amazing place simply shines.  The images that I have encountered and the reviews I have read, told me Kristin and her husband are special people, and that this is a place I need to experience for myself.  It holds my heart.

After speaking with them by phone, I was captivated.  I am on a pilgrimage this year (my upcoming workshops) and this is where I need to be.  Does it speak to your heart as well?  Are you ready for a new pilgrimage in your life?  (We will talk about this in detail this fall) 

I hope your heart will lead you here with me...

We will have a whole week together - me & you.  I have a collection of special projects just for this specific place and time, too, beautiful art to create together!  And with hosts like Kristin, I know we will be lavished in attention and love.  Our week will be full of Italy's best.  We will be staying a delightful old monastery and treated to fresh markets, romantic meals, special moments in 14th century cathedrals, and visual surprises awaiting us every day.  

I am so excited -- I can't wait!   

All the details are here.  She has an easy payment plan and all kinds of helps with travel.

Stepping into a trip like this is very life affirming and faith building, it is so exciting.  I know it can be frightening to try something new, but you are with me, and God's hands are on us -- both!  You won't be disappointed.  

We will embark on this wonderful adventure together...and it will be heavenly!

If you have questions, I am available: |

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