Sunday, September 18, 2011

art journaling needs *you*

Do you want to talk about art journaling?  Oh, I do.  

Last night I dreamed of my favorite tubes of paint, big dobs of color heaped on the page, and it made me so happy.  Blissfully looking at lumps of unused paint~ like gooey eye candy, yummy yum.

If it were the perfect day and you and I were to meet & paint, what would you need?  What would you bring to our lovely painting date?  
perfected little sketches
inspirational files
bunches of brushes
a perfect pen
a sweet book to hold all of the *wonders to be*
assorted watercolors
acrylics in every color
a box of gesso bottles

I have to admit, I am an art-creating-collector.  I purchase loads of supplies that I know I will need.  Do you do the same thing?  One of each?  I have a closet full of goodies.  Does having a lot of things make it easier for me to engage in the art I so desperately long to create?  Does it help you?

With a treasure trove of inspiration at my fingertips, does that make it easier for me to sit and create my own heartfelt piece?  

If I had more time, if my children were older, if I didn't have to make dinner tonight...Do you get where I am going with this?  :)

What is really needed to create your own Art Journal?     

 opus verbi veriditas - "the work of the Word is Greenness"

Can I offer an oversimplified thought?  Your art journaling needs you.  

Yes, you. Right now, in the present as you sit reading these very words.  With the pencil you already have sitting there on the table.  Doodling on the pad of paper you already have next to your bed.  It is that simple.  

If you have felt like trying, or if you have tried and failed,  I am right here with you.  
We are going to try something this week...

It will be fun and simple~  

You & I will sketch something silly, sweet, goofy, meaningful, simple (whatever it is your heart reveals to your fingers), and I will meet you here Tuesday for the next step.  What do you think?   

You need a regular pencil, some regular paper, an eraser, a sense of humor, and a prayer on your lips for direction in what to sketch.  Simple is best:  a few lines, simple forms, shapes and all in pencil.  Got it? 

(Monday & Tuesday ~ I will give you some simple sketch helps too)

Seriously, you can do this~ we are going to do this together!  

With much love,

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