Wednesday, June 22, 2011

a heart's expression

I seem to be *framing* my head and heart this week.  An interesting image that began playing in my head and  birthed out of my fingers~  I love it.

Do you have something creatively playing in your head & heart today too?

When I start to paint now I try not to second guess where it is leading.  I notice that I do with my other creative loves, too.  I have to stop the critic's voice in my head and let things happen organically -- it usually involves speaking it out to God.   Sharing the inadequacies of me and letting Him dictate the work.  Do you do this too? 

"Please Jesus guide my steps, let my heart be open to your leading and my eyes open to your glory...yes and amen."

This week it was the *one words* that moved in my life the past six years.  Those words combined with images help me to see the hand of God at work.  I also floated those images above the simple black and white and then found that they had to be tied down in some way -- my haphazard way of forcing my feet to stay grounded?  (I have trouble with being grounded, lol).

The interesting thing is...I could see it's image, but didn't plan it to turn out this way~

It is only looking at it now -- apart from me -- that I see it clearly.

So funny how our heads and hearts work?

In your creating -- painting, cooking, sewing, drawing, writing, photography -- how do you begin?

Do you see images in your mind?  Do you sketch it out or take notes?

When do you feel something taking shape?  Is it when you are planning or when you are smack in the middle of it?

Do you start with the end in mind -- or do you just begin?

I love the fact that in any art form, we are all so uniquely different.  In a collective photo shoot last spring, a dozen of us were all in the same places and saw and captured images with such variation.  Color, form, light and composition -- our eyes are uniquely our own.  Our hearts, our eyes, our fingers are divine creative tools and we see this in each personal expression.   So brilliantly cool!

If you feel to share your hearts expression, I would love to hear.
I am always so blessed by your sweet thoughts and words.

With love and lambs,


And how could I forget this...

Our *super pregnant* ewe finally delivered a huge lamb.  I lost the bet with Farmer and my youngest son, I thought it would be triplets.  Thankfully all is well and they both have moved out with the rest of the late lambers into the meadows.  I am so happy (and relieved!).  

Thank you for your sweet thoughts and prayers~
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