Friday, August 14, 2009

NYC (verb)

I started out the trip with the idea to capture ~
  • Summer in the city
  • the 17 yob perspective
  • Iconic NYC
  • Unique pics of our travelers
  • the traveling"adventure" postcard (compendium)

It is easy to get lost in every conceivable way here. Stepping out of the cab onto the street for the first time is wildly exciting, but it is an overwhelming amount of eye-candy for our small town group. It always takes my breath away, I am sure that is why I continue to love to travel, and this time was just as thrilling.

I don't remember Ben even speaking for the first 48 hours.
To encounter this city in August is also its own amazing wonder. It is steamy.
A NYC summer is a face-first, full body experience. It is what assaults your eyes, the notorious smells, the sweat dripping off the tops of your arms and down your chest, and the pulsating subway noise/rushing feet/staccato of foreign words swirling around you as your poor mind struggles to keep up.

Every street, path, bridge brings different and delightfully new things...

To be here in the high heat with half the world's population (in tourists) you have to really be hungry for it - wanting it - or this place would be frightening and extremely irritating. I remind myself to see it all in a fresh way with an open heart. I hope to encourage everyone I travel with to not lose sight of God's beauty in this place. It is everywhere. With romantic idealism, and a fresh eye from God, I am never disappointed.

We only had one day that was completely unbearable. Record heat/humidity and super tired, our fast pace turned to a crawl with sad feet in rivers of sweat. But, even that day will be loved for its own unique misery. Even those pics look sweaty.

Oh, what your funny smirks do to my mother-heart.
Thank you Ben for this trip to NYC.
It was wild.

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